3 Workplace Policies That Impact Children
It's no secret that the workplace plays a vital role in the lives of working parents/caregivers. It can directly affect a family's ability to raise healthy children who perform well in school. But what exactly are the ways that workplace policies can impact parenting and children's school performance? Let's take a look.
Flexible Schedules and Hours
Workplaces can offer flexible hours or schedules for working parents, allowing them to work around their children's schedules. For example, employers may provide shifts starting at 9 a.m. instead of 8 a.m. so parents can be home when their kids finish school or participate in extracurricular activities. Such flexibility is key to helping working parents juggle their jobs and family life while providing enough attention and support for their children.
Childcare Benefits
Another way that workplaces can boost parenting efforts is by offering childcare benefits such as subsidized daycare costs or on-site childcare centers. Offering these types of incentives helps ease the financial burden of childcare and reduces the stress of parents needing reliable and quality childcare.
Family Leave Policies
Workplaces can also offer generous family leave policies to help new parents adjust to life with a newborn or adopted child. These are invaluable for new families, giving them the time they need to bond without worrying about job security or income loss during this adjustment period. Well-implemented family leave policies can also help improve children's academic performance by reducing stress for both parent and child alike during this critical transition period in a child's life.
Employers need to recognize this connection when making decisions about workplace policies and practices. Employers that adopt these policies can improve parenting efforts and create a culture that encourages both professional success and healthy families for working parents/caregivers everywhere.
What does the research say?
A study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that families with access to employer-sponsored childcare programs were more likely to have higher levels of family satisfaction. They were also more likely to have higher-quality parent-child relationships linked to better school performance and social-emotional development. Workplace policies can impact children's long-term success in school and life. Workplace policies can directly affect parenting efforts and the quality of care for children, such as flexible hours, childcare benefits, and family leaves policies. Employers who recognize and prioritize these policies can create an environment conducive to professional growth and prosperous family life.
What’s Next?
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