Welcome to Stonyhurst Southville International School!

TI Institute had the privilege of visiting the beautiful Philippines, where I connected with the faculty and staff of Stonyhurst Southville International School (SSIS). As one of the country's finest international schools, SSIS-Batangas is renowned for its commitment to providing a nurturing and holistic educational environment for diverse students. 
From the moment I stepped onto the campus of SSIS-Batangas, I was greeted with an atmosphere of warmth and kindness. I was gifted with the school's personalized lei made from the school's plaid and fresh flowers. I shared a savory breakfast with the school’s energetic principal, Mr. Anthony Paul M. Calado. They served my NEW favorite white bread also known as pandesal with jam and their kapeng barako (locally grown coffee beans). 

The administration and faculty were incredibly engaging and receptive to Trauma-Informed Advocate training, recognizing the importance of understanding and addressing trauma in the lives of their students. It was beautiful to see that a group halfway around the world shared the common goal of creating a safe and supportive learning environment for children to thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.

One of the key factors that set SSIS-B teachers apart is their adaptability to diverse learning styles. Because of the global diversity of their students, they recognize that every individual child learns differently and has different needs based on their experiences. This mirrors the core principles of trauma-informed in education, where flexibility and empathy are paramount.

As my time at Stonyhurst Southville International drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and fulfillment. The eagerness of the faculty and staff to embrace trauma-informed approaches demonstrated their dedication to the holistic development of their students.

I left the school with a profound sense of hope - hope for a future where being trauma-informed become an integral part of educational institutions worldwide. I am confident that the faculty and staff of Stonyhurst Southville International School will apply all they have learned and will nurture a learning environment that fosters resilience, empathy, and empowerment among their students.

I am honored to continue with SSIS-B as this experience left a lasting impact on me. The teachers' accommodation, engagement, and dedication to learning reinforced the notion that education can absolutely transform lives. I am filled with hope for a future where trauma-informed practices contribute to nurturing resilient, empowered, and thriving children AND adults.

Marie Oesman